Maria Pastorelli

Maria Pastorelli

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

Maria Pastorelli

SpeakIn Expert Speaker

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In the past 12 years, I have helped hundreds of professionals from 20+ countries develop the skills needed to work effectively in a global environment both online and in person. I coached, trained, and consulted for leaders, teams, and professionals working for multinational companies as Google, SAP, Siemens, Bayer, Shiseido, Covestro, Ctrip, and many more. Specifically, I work on Global Impact for Leaders and Team through Executive Coaching, Team Coaching and Leadership Development programs. In my spare time, I thrive in building and supporting communities: while in Shanghai, in ...Read More

Maria Pastorelli

Training Facilitator and Executive Coach

 Maria is an enthusiastic and passionate coach, facilitator, writer, and speaker dedicated to empowering leaders and teams to create global impact by focusing on their strengths, shifting perspectives, and mastering communication. She has been involved in the coaching and training industry working with individuals and organizations in China and Europe since 2011.

After finishing her studies at Fudan University, Maria started working in a Shanghai Organizational Development consulting company, Shi Bisset and Associates, where she worked closely with the Founder, Shi Bisset on developing and delivering leadership programs for middle and senior managers and cross-cultural training for multinational C-suite executives.

With a strong cross-cultural communication background and her own experience of working and living in China, she has helped teams and organizations in China, Europe, and APAC to improve their collaboration and leadership skills across cultures.

Her strength is creating and delivering customized, engaging, and effective group training and coaching programs to help organizations, executives, and teams work effectively in complex global environments in English and Chinese.

Since 2011, she has trained and coached hundreds of professionals from 20+ countries to develop the skills needed to work effectively in a global environment for multinational companies such as Google, SAP, Siemens, Bayer, Shiseido, Covestro, Ctrip, and many more.

A career in consulting with a variety of Chinese, European, and APAC-based clients has given Maria a unique perspective of the challenges that many leaders face in multinational organizations, allowing her to explore how to best improve performance while leading a global multicultural team.

Examples of work:

Designed and delivered multiple “Communicating with Impact” for women leaders in APAC for a global packaging company

Delivered several workshops on leading global remote teams for a Fortune 10 technology company

The youngest lead trainer and coach in a recurring Leadership Development program for APAC talent for one of the top 50 global automotive suppliers

Lecturer for MBA programs from ECNU and Emlyon Business School

Effective communication, delegation, presenting and meeting facilitation programs delivered in China for a Japanese multinational cosmetic company

Managed intercultural teams on global L&D / OD leadership projects in APAC for a Fortune 500 American multinational pharmaceutical and medical devices corporation 

Women Development Pro-bono work:

Global Women Entrepreneur Network (G.W.E.N.) Founder and Director (since 2018): a learning and sharing community focused on helping women entrepreneurs improve their personal and business skills. The community has more than 350 women in China and abroad and has hosted online and offline learning, networking, and up-skilling events. Maria runs and supports the community daily

MentorWalks Mentor (since 2021): Mentor Walks is organized by multiple Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and IPWS (International Professional Women Society) and is an initiative that brings together extraordinary women leaders and emerging passionate women for monthly morning walks in the Jing’An park to discuss, reflect and share insights on professional and personal successes, challenges and aspirations. 

Certified #IamRemarkable Facilitator (since 2022): #IamRemarkable is an initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond, thereby breaking modesty norms and glass ceilings. As a facilitator, her role involves hosting workshops and being an ambassador for #IamRemarkable within her personal and professional networks (






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  • Organisation:

    Bridge Consulting
  • Designation:

    Founder and Managing Director
  • Industry:

  • Function:

  • Location:

    Shanghai, China
  • Delivery Type:

    Keynote Talk
  • How to work in global teams?
  • What it takes to be a leader as a woman?
  • Why is coaching so powerful?
Learner’s Speak – A testimonial

I love your talk Maria ! Well done! Especially the part about building bridges! Your mission is clear and the way to get there is very practical. Very impactful!

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(2 Reviews)
Aashish Verma

Aashish Verma

10 months ago

Best lecture of the day!

Kamari Hurley

Kamari Hurley

10 months ago

Great lecture, very engaging speaker. Ms. Maria is always a good speaker!

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