3 Simple Steps to Bounce Back From Any Failure in Life

Resilience is the word that defines one’s ability to rise again strongly after being knocked down. Confucius once spoke of resilience as our greatest glory. these were his words,
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”.
Those words stand as a true testament to the power of the human soul. Even though the ability to bounce back from failure is indeed our greatest glory, very few do it. Most of us give up the moment we encounter defeat. It’s only the Edisons, Einsteins, and the greatest of people who seem to have the power to try again despite encountering countless failures. Why do we give up? Why do we forget to try again?
Over the years, all kinds of people have encountered various personal and career challenges, and they have encountered one common fear that we all naturally develop: the fear of failure or getting hurt.
As children, we would have fallen many times when we learned to walk. but we never gave up. We tried over and over again and eventually began to walk. But when we grow up, this tendency to try over and over again is replaced with the fear of getting hurt (or the fear of failure). We envision all kinds of negativities that would happen to us if we failed again and allowed them to paralyse our progress.
The problem is that we can’t afford to let it paralyse our progress. If we want to be successful, lead a content life, and get what we want, we have to be willing to experience failure. we have to become the child that does not give up, the child that tries over and over again. and this starts with changing your mind—your thought process.
3 simple steps you can use to Bounce Back From Failure in Life
1. Face the facts and accept the reality. Yes, It’s Happening
One of the main reasons why people refuse to try again is that they don’t face the facts head-on. The moment they experience a little bit of failure, they shy away from reality.
This is because they don’t have the emotional maturity to face the truth. Motivational speakers like Deepshikha Kumar Anand, through their speeches, emphasise the importance of taking ownership of your failures and motivate you to try again and again with control to achieve the things you want.
2. Look at the challenge from different angles
Highly successful people and keynote speakers always tell people through their speeches, “The moment you experience defeat, take a step back and look at your goal and failure from a different angle.”.
When you start to look at your challenges from a different viewpoint, you will immediately break unsupporting beliefs and thoughts that are paralysing you. This will allow you to move forward faster and easily bounce back from failure. Most of us, when we experience failure, attach ourselves to the failure and struggle to find a solution. When there’s a forest fire and you’re stuck in the forest, the best way to chart out your escape is by using the help of a guide who’s on a chopper. You have to zoom out, detach yourself from the situation, and look at it objectively.
3. Take more action, don’t ruminate
Once you find a solution to your problem, don’t doubt it or ruminate about your issues. go forward. So you got help from the guide, now trust his judgement and run as fast as you can.
Take action as if your life depended on it. Do whatever it takes to gain momentum, reaching out to someone that you have been thinking of for weeks and months, then stop everything right now and reach out to them.
By following these three simple steps, you can cultivate the resilience needed to bounce back from failure and pursue your ambitions with renewed vigour.